Lied Recitals in Samobor & Vienna

Bass-baritone Krešimir Stražanac and pianist Krešimir Starčević continued to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Blagoje Bersa and Sergei Rachmaninov, performing their songs, romances and piano miniatures at two important festivals:
– SAMOBOR – 48th Samobor Festival – St. Anastasia’s Church (September 24, 2023)
– VIENNA – 19th Festival of Croatian Music in Vienna – Bank Austria Salon im Alten Rathaus (September 26, 2023)
It is interesting that at the concert in Samobor, the new model CFX Yamaha Concert Grand Piano was presented for the first time, on which Starčević played:
The entire Samobor concert was recorded by Croatian Radio, on whose First Program it was later broadcast.
The concert was attended by the legendary singer Dunja Vejzović and the distinguished pianist Đorđe Stanetti, with whom Stražanac and Starčević graduated from the Music Academies in Stuttgart and Zagreb.
© Samobor Festival