In their long-standing collaboration, saxophonist Lovro Merčep and pianist Krešimir Starčević strive to create attractive and conceptually interesting programs in which they will present classical music literature for saxophone and piano in the best possible way, as well as their joint musicianship.
One of these is “Croatian-French Dialogues“, with which they wanted to intertwine compositions by Croatian composers as well as those from France – the country from which the saxophone as an instrument originated. This concept will continue in 2024, and this time the Croatian “team” was represented by Pavle Dešpalj, Petar Bergamo and Blagoje Bersa, while the French “team” included Marin Marais, Georges Bizet and female composer Paul Maurice.
Merčep and Starčević performed concerts in Zrinski/Scheier Hall in ČAKOVEC (October 24) as well as in Beli Manastir Art School u BELI MANASTIR (November 24).